Tag Archives: kids anxiety

What happens when paranoid kids grow up?

Some people are just naturally paranoid.  I gave birth to one of them.  At the age of eight she came to me crying one day, afraid that our house was going to burn down.  To this day she blames me for allowing her to watch a movie about firefighters who saved a dog from a fire or some such thing.  What she doesn’t get is that her sisters watched the movie too but they weren’t paranoid that the house was going to burn to the ground when they went to bed every night. 

It got so bad that I had to take her to the family counselor.  How many moms can actually say they have a “family counselor?”  I actually had one on stand by as I raised my pack of kids because there was always something going on.  There was fear of fire and the Energizer theft, then lying about being sick to avoid playing with friends and the six hour crying jags because someone had to read books that were far below their reading level (I don’t make this stuff up.)  Continue reading


Filed under About Funny Stories, About Kids, About Life, About Women, This 'n That