Tag Archives: kids overeating

Let Them Eat Dots

Mother’s Day Series – Mother’ Day Weekend

Some parents are all about control – controlling what kids wear, what they watch and what they eat. I have learned from experience that some amount of control is a good thing, after all, you might not want your 13 year-old daughter wearing a spiked dog collar, watching the adult Showtime feature film and eating nothing but mustard day and night so she can lose 10 pounds in one week. It is for this reason that parental control is necessary. My theory is that too much parental control can backfire and I have living proof of this.

I’ve always had sort of a loose idea of my kids’ food intake … and output. (Output only becomes important if you end up with a constipated three-year old who’s afraid to let go of his poopy because it’s a part of his body.) Continue reading

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